Upgrading the Bluetooth (Bluez) stack on Ubuntu

March 13, 2024 -
Tags: bluetooth, bluez, hardware, linux, quick, sysadmin, ubuntu

In some cases, it’s desirable to upgrade the Bluez (Bluetooth stack) version on Ubuntu; for example, on the stock Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy, some headphones may not work.

In this article, I’ll describe the procedure to perform the upgrade, using the source code.



First, install the required libraries:

apt install -y libical3-dev python3-docutils

Find the latest release on the official repository:

  git ls-remote https://github.com/bluez/bluez.git |
  perl -lne 'print $1 if /refs\/tags\/([\d.]+)$/' |
  sort -V |
  tail -n 1

Perform a shallow clone:

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/bluez/bluez.git -b "$latest_release"
cd bluez

Bootstrap and configure the compilation:


# The `--libexecdir` is required to match the Ubuntu paths configuration, otherwise, `/usr/libexec
# is used by default.
./configure \
  --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \

Compile and install:

make -j "$(nproc)"

# The file `/usr/lib/cups/backend/bluetooth` is also owned by the `bluez-cups` package; it's not
# clear if it needs to be up to date, but if one doesn't use it, it doesn't matter.
# In theory, the `--disable-cups` configure option can be used, but it causes a configure error
# (not mentioned by the documentation).
make install

Finally, hold the bluez package:

apt-mark hold bluez

As general practice, it’s advisable to watch the repository releases on the GitHub project, so that one can perform an upgrade, especially in case of a security fix.